About reservation

Could you tell me about the accommodation?

Click here for the terms of accommodation.

What time do you check in and check-out?

Check-in 15:00 Check-out 11:00
※It may vary depending on the plan you booked.

When will the cancellation fee be charged?

A cancellation fee will be charged from 3 days in advance.
※It may vary depending on the plan you booked.

Can I make a reservation by phone?
Yes, sir. For reservations by telephone, please contact the reservation center 03-6627-4666 (8:00-22:00)
Contact us on the day of the hotel representative 0772-25-1800
When will the payment be made?

Please pay for it when you arrive.

Can I specify the view of the room?

The view of the guest room is not specified.

Can I reserve a festive cake?

If you would like to have a celebration cake or bouquet, please click here.

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About restaurant and food

Could you tell me the restaurant's opening hours?

We have prepared buffet-style dishes.
Breakfast buffet from 7:00 to 9:30 (final admission 9:00)
Dinner buffet from 17:30 to 21:00 (final admission 20:30)

Could you tell me about allergy response?

Please refer to the link below for information on how to deal with food allergies.
>For those who have food allergies

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Could you tell me about the summer pool business?

Click here for more information on the pool.

What is Local Discovery and what can I do?

Local Discovery is an activity where you can meet the unique charm and stories of the local area, such as nature, culture, and people.
At this hotel, you can experience making silk braid Misanga in collaboration with Yosano Town Tourism Association.

Do you have a transfer?

Click here for the timetable of the free shuttle bus from Miyazu Station.

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